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/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Important notes: - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons. This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it. Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* File: httrack.c subroutines: */ /* savename routine (compute output filename) */ /* Author: Xavier Roche */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Internal engine bytecode */ #define HTS_INTERNAL_BYTECODE #include "htscore.h" #include "htsname.h" #include "htsmd5.h" #include "htstools.h" #include <ctype.h> #undef test_flush #define test_flush if (opt->flush) { fflush(opt->log); fflush(opt->log); } #define ADD_STANDARD_PATH \ { /* ajout nom */\ char BIGSTK buff[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];\ buff[0]='\0';\ strncatbuff(buff,start_pos,(int) (nom_pos - start_pos));\ url_savename_addstr(save,buff);\ } #define ADD_STANDARD_NAME(shortname) \ { /* ajout nom */\ char BIGSTK buff[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];\ standard_name(buff,dot_pos,nom_pos,fil_complete,(shortname));\ url_savename_addstr(save,buff);\ } /* Avoid stupid DOS system folders/file such as 'nul' */ /* Based on linux/fs/umsdos/mangle.c */ static const char *hts_tbdev[] = { "/prn", "/con", "/aux", "/nul", "/lpt1", "/lpt2", "/lpt3", "/lpt4", "/com1", "/com2", "/com3", "/com4", "/clock$", "/emmxxxx0", "/xmsxxxx0", "/setverxx", "" }; #define URLSAVENAME_WAIT_FOR_AVAILABLE_SOCKET() do { \ int prev = opt->state._hts_in_html_parsing; \ while(back_pluggable_sockets_strict(sback, opt) <= 0) { \ opt->state. _hts_in_html_parsing = 6; \ /* Wait .. */ \ back_wait(sback,opt,cache,0); \ /* Transfer rate */ \ engine_stats(); \ /* Refresh various stats */ \ HTS_STAT.stat_nsocket=back_nsoc(sback); \ HTS_STAT.stat_errors=fspc(opt,NULL,"error"); \ HTS_STAT.stat_warnings=fspc(opt,NULL,"warning"); \ HTS_STAT.stat_infos=fspc(opt,NULL,"info"); \ HTS_STAT.nbk=backlinks_done(sback,liens,lien_tot,ptr); \ HTS_STAT.nb=back_transfered(HTS_STAT.stat_bytes,sback); \ /* Check */ \ { \ if (!RUN_CALLBACK7(opt, loop, sback->lnk, sback->count,-1,ptr,lien_tot,(int) (time_local()-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart),&HTS_STAT)) { \ return -1; \ } \ } \ } \ opt->state._hts_in_html_parsing = prev; \ } while(0) // forme le nom du fichier α sauver (save) α partir de fil et adr // systΦme intelligent, qui renomme en cas de besoin (exemple: deux INDEX.HTML et index.html) int url_savename(char* adr_complete, char* fil_complete, char* save, char* former_adr, char* former_fil, char* referer_adr, char* referer_fil, httrackp* opt, lien_url** liens, int lien_tot, struct_back* sback, cache_back* cache, hash_struct* hash, int ptr, int numero_passe, const lien_back* headers) { char catbuff[CATBUFF_SIZE]; const char* mime_type = ( headers && HTTP_IS_OK(headers->r.statuscode) ) ? headers->r.contenttype : NULL; lien_back* const back = sback->lnk; /* */ char BIGSTK newfil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; /* ="" */ /*char BIGSTK normadr_[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];*/ char BIGSTK normadr_[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2], normfil_[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; enum { PROTOCOL_HTTP, PROTOCOL_HTTPS, PROTOCOL_FTP, PROTOCOL_FILE, PROTOCOL_MMS, PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN }; static const char* protocol_str[] = {"http", "https", "ftp", "file", "mms", "unknown"}; int protocol = PROTOCOL_HTTP; char* normadr; char* normfil; char* fil; char* adr; char* print_adr; char *start_pos=NULL,*nom_pos=NULL,*dot_pos=NULL; // Position nom et point // pour changement d'extension ou de nom (content-disposition) int ext_chg=0, ext_chg_delayed=0; int is_html=0; char ext[256]; int max_char=0; //CLEAR newfil[0]=ext[0]='\0'; /* 8-3 ? */ switch(opt->savename_83) { case 1: // 8-3 max_char=8; break; case 2: // Level 2 File names may be up to 31 characters. max_char=31; break; default: max_char=8; break; } // effacer save save[0]='\0'; // fil fil = fil_complete; // copy of fil, used for lookups (see urlhack) normfil = fil; // et adr (sauter user/pass) // on prend le parti de mettre les fichiers avec login/pass au mΩme endroit que si ils // Θtaient capturΘs sans ces paramΦtres // c'est pour cette raison qu'on ignore totalement adr_complete (mΩme pour la recherche en table de hachage) adr = jump_identification(adr_complete); // copy of adr, used for lookups (see urlhack) normadr = adr; // normalize the URL: // www.foo.com -> foo.com // www-42.foo.com -> foo.com // foo.com/bar//foobar -> foo.com/bar/foobar if (opt->urlhack) { // copy of adr (without protocol), used for lookups (see urlhack) normadr=adr_normalized(adr, normadr_); normfil=fil_normalized(fil,normfil_); } else { if (link_has_authority(adr_complete)) { // https or other protocols : in "http/" subfolder char* pos = strchr(adr_complete, ':'); if (pos != NULL) { normadr_[0] = '\0'; strncatbuff(normadr_, adr_complete, (int)(pos - adr_complete)); strcatbuff(normadr_, "://"); strcatbuff(normadr_, normadr); normadr=normadr_; } } } // α afficher sans ftp:// print_adr=jump_protocol(adr); if (strfield(adr_complete, "https:")) { protocol = PROTOCOL_HTTPS; } else if (strfield(adr_complete, "ftp:")) { protocol = PROTOCOL_FTP; } else if (strfield(adr_complete, "file:")) { protocol = PROTOCOL_FILE; } else if (strfield(adr_complete, "mms:")) { protocol = PROTOCOL_MMS; } else { protocol = PROTOCOL_HTTP; } // court-circuit pour lien primaire if (strnotempty(adr)==0) { if (strcmp(fil,"primary")==0) { strcatbuff(save,"primary.html"); return 0; } } // vΘrifier que le nom n'a pas dΘja ΘtΘ calculΘ (si oui le renvoyer tel que) // vΘrifier que le nom n'est pas dΘja pris... // NOTE: si on cherche /toto/ et que /toto est trouvΘ on le prend (et rΘciproquqment) ** // ** if (liens!=NULL) { int i; i=hash_read(hash,normadr,normfil,1,opt->urlhack); // recherche table 1 (adr+fil) if (i>=0) { // ok, trouvΘ strcpybuff(save,liens[i]->sav); return 0; } i=hash_read(hash,normadr,normfil,2,opt->urlhack); // recherche table 2 (former_adr+former_fil) if (i>=0) { // ok, trouvΘ // copier location moved! strcpybuff(adr_complete,liens[i]->adr); strcpybuff(fil_complete,liens[i]->fil); // et save strcpybuff(save,liens[i]->sav); // copier (formΘ α partir du nouveau lien!) return 0; } // chercher sans / ou avec / dans former { char BIGSTK fil_complete_patche[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; strcpybuff(fil_complete_patche,normfil); // Version avec ou sans / if (fil_complete_patche[strlen(fil_complete_patche)-1]=='/') fil_complete_patche[strlen(fil_complete_patche)-1]='\0'; else strcatbuff(fil_complete_patche,"/"); i=hash_read(hash,normadr,fil_complete_patche,2,opt->urlhack); // recherche table 2 (former_adr+former_fil) if (i>=0) { // Θcraser fil et adr (pas former_fil?????) strcpybuff(adr_complete,liens[i]->adr); strcpybuff(fil_complete,liens[i]->fil); // Θcrire save strcpybuff(save,liens[i]->sav); return 0; } } } // vΘrifier la non prΘsence de paramΦtres dans le nom de fichier // si il y en a, les supprimer (ex: truc.cgi?subj=aspirateur) // nΘanmoins, gardΘ pour vΘrifier la non duplication (voir aprΦs) { char* a; a=strchr(fil,'?'); if (a!=NULL) { strncatbuff(newfil,fil,(int) (a - fil)); } else { strcpybuff(newfil,fil); } fil=newfil; } // Decode remaining % strcpybuff(fil,unescape_http(catbuff,fil)); // , BUT do not decode high chars //strcpybuff(fil,unescape_http_unharm(fil, 1)); // YES (not server side, but fs/client side) #if HTS_USEMMS /* .asx hack */ if (headers != NULL && headers->r.cdispo[0] != 0 && strfield(headers->r.contenttype, "video/") && strfield2(get_ext(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt),headers->r.cdispo), "asx") == 0) { ext_chg = 1; strcpybuff(ext, "asx"); } else if (headers != NULL && headers->r.contenttype[0] != 0 && strfield2(headers->r.contenttype, "video/x-ms-asf")) { char *exts = get_ext(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt),headers->url_fil); if (strfield2(exts, "wmv") == 0) { ext_chg = 1; strcpybuff(ext, "wmv"); } else if (strfield2(exts, "asf") == 0) { ext_chg = 1; strcpybuff(ext, "asf"); } else if (strfield2(exts, "avi") == 0) { ext_chg = 1; strcpybuff(ext, "avi"); } else if (strfield2(exts, "asx") == 0) { ext_chg = 1; strcpybuff(ext, "asx"); } } #endif /* replace shtml to html.. */ if (opt->savename_delayed == 2) is_html = -1; /* ALWAYS delay type */ else is_html = ishtml(opt,fil); switch ( is_html ) { /* .html,.shtml,.. */ case 1: if ( (strfield2(get_ext(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt),fil),"html") == 0) && (strfield2(get_ext(OPT_GET_BUFF(opt),fil),"htm") == 0) ) { strcpybuff(ext,"html"); ext_chg=1; } break; case 0: if (!strnotempty(ext)) { if (is_userknowntype(opt,fil)) { // mime known by user char BIGSTK mime[1024]; mime[0]=ext[0]='\0'; get_userhttptype(opt,mime,fil); if (strnotempty(mime)) { give_mimext(ext,mime); if (strnotempty(ext)) { ext_chg=1; } } } } break; } // si option check_type activΘe if (is_html < 0 && opt->check_type && !ext_chg) { int ishtest=0; if ( (!strfield(adr_complete,"file://")) && (!strfield(adr_complete,"ftp://")) #if HTS_USEMMS && (!strfield(adr_complete,"mms://")) #endif ) { // tester type avec requΦte HEAD si on ne connait pas le type du fichier if (!( (opt->check_type==1) && (fil[strlen(fil)-1]=='/') )) // slash doit Ωtre html? if ( opt->savename_delayed == 2 || (ishtest=ishtml(opt,fil)) < 0) { // on ne sait pas si c'est un html ou un fichier.. // lire dans le cache htsblk r = cache_read(opt,cache,adr,fil,NULL,NULL); // test uniquement if (r.statuscode != -1) { // pas d'erreur de lecture cache char s[16]; s[0]='\0'; if ( (opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL) ) { HTS_LOG(opt,LOG_DEBUG); fprintf(opt->log,"Testing link type (from cache) %s%s"LF,adr_complete,fil_complete); test_flush; } if (strnotempty(r.cdispo)) { /* filename given */ ext_chg=2; /* change filename */ strcpybuff(ext,r.cdispo); } else if (!may_unknown(opt,r.contenttype) || ishtest == -2) { // on peut patcher α priori? give_mimext(s,r.contenttype); // obtenir extension if (strnotempty(s)>0) { // on a reconnu l'extension ext_chg=1; strcpybuff(ext,s); } } // } else if ( opt->savename_delayed != 2 && is_userknowntype(opt,fil)) { /* PATCH BY BRIAN SCHR╓DER. Lookup mimetype not only by extension, but also by filename */ /* Note: "foo.cgi => text/html" means that foo.cgi shall have the text/html MIME file type, that is, ".html" */ char BIGSTK mime[1024]; mime[0]=ext[0]='\0'; get_userhttptype(opt, mime, fil); if (strnotempty(mime)) { give_mimext(ext, mime); if (strnotempty(ext)) { ext_chg=1; } } } // note: if savename_delayed is enabled, the naming will be temporary (and slightly invalid!) else if (opt->savename_delayed != 0) { if (mime_type != NULL) { ext[0] = '\0'; if (*mime_type) { give_mimext(ext, mime_type); } if (strnotempty(ext)) { char mime_from_file[128]; mime_from_file[0] = 0; get_httptype(opt, mime_from_file, fil, 1); if (!strnotempty(mime_from_file) || strcasecmp(mime_type, mime_from_file) != 0) { /* different mime for this type */ ext_chg = 1; } else { ext_chg = 0; } } } else { /* Avoid collisions (no collisionning detection) */ sprintf(ext, "%x.%s", opt->state.delayedId++, DELAYED_EXT); ext_chg = 1; ext_chg_delayed = 1; /* due to naming system */ } } // test imposible dans le cache, faire une requΩte else { // int hihp = opt->state._hts_in_html_parsing; int has_been_moved=0; char BIGSTK curr_adr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2],curr_fil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; /* Ensure we don't use too many sockets by using a "testing" one If we have only 1 simultaneous connection authorized, wait for pending download Wait for an available slot */ URLSAVENAME_WAIT_FOR_AVAILABLE_SOCKET(); /* Rock'in */ curr_adr[0]=curr_fil[0]='\0'; opt->state. _hts_in_html_parsing=2; // test if ( (opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL) ) { HTS_LOG(opt,LOG_DEBUG); fprintf(opt->log,"Testing link type %s%s"LF,adr_complete,fil_complete); test_flush; } strcpybuff(curr_adr,adr_complete); strcpybuff(curr_fil,fil_complete); // ajouter dans le backing le fichier en mode test // savename: rien car en mode test if (back_add(sback,opt,cache,curr_adr,curr_fil,BACK_ADD_TEST,referer_adr,referer_fil,1)!=-1) { int b; b=back_index(opt,sback,curr_adr,curr_fil,BACK_ADD_TEST); if (b>=0) { int stop_looping=0; int petits_tours=0; int get_test_request=0; // en cas de bouclage sur soi mΩme avec HEAD, tester avec GET.. parfois c'est la cause des problΦmes do { // temps α attendre, et remplir autant que l'on peut le cache (backing) if (back[b].status>0) { back_wait(sback,opt,cache,0); } if (ptr>=0) { back_fillmax(sback,opt,cache,liens,ptr,numero_passe,lien_tot); } // on est obligΘ d'appeler le shell pour le refresh.. // Transfer rate engine_stats(); // Refresh various stats HTS_STAT.stat_nsocket=back_nsoc(sback); HTS_STAT.stat_errors=fspc(opt,NULL,"error"); HTS_STAT.stat_warnings=fspc(opt,NULL,"warning"); HTS_STAT.stat_infos=fspc(opt,NULL,"info"); HTS_STAT.nbk=backlinks_done(sback,liens,lien_tot,ptr); HTS_STAT.nb=back_transfered(HTS_STAT.stat_bytes,sback); if (!RUN_CALLBACK7(opt, loop, sback->lnk, sback->count,b,ptr,lien_tot,(int) (time_local()-HTS_STAT.stat_timestart),&HTS_STAT)) { return -1; } else if (opt->state._hts_cancel || !back_checkmirror(opt)) { // cancel 2 ou 1 (cancel parsing) back_delete(opt,cache,sback,b); // cancel test stop_looping = 1; } // traitement des 304,303.. if (back[b].status<=0) { if (HTTP_IS_REDIRECT(back[b].r.statuscode)) { // agh moved.. un tit tour de plus if ((petits_tours<5) && (former_adr) && (former_fil)) { // on va pas tourner en rond non plus! if ((int) strnotempty(back[b].r.location)) { // location existe! char BIGSTK mov_url[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2],mov_adr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2],mov_fil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; mov_url[0]=mov_adr[0]=mov_fil[0]='\0'; // strcpybuff(mov_url,back[b].r.location); // copier URL if (ident_url_relatif(mov_url,curr_adr,curr_fil,mov_adr,mov_fil)>=0) { // si non bouclage sur soi mΩme, ou si test avec GET non testΘ if ((strcmp(mov_adr,curr_adr)) || (strcmp(mov_fil,curr_fil)) || (get_test_request==0)) { // bouclage? if ((!strcmp(mov_adr,curr_adr)) && (!strcmp(mov_fil,curr_fil))) get_test_request=1; // faire requΦte avec GET // recopier former_adr/fil? if ((former_adr) && (former_fil)) { if (strnotempty(former_adr)==0) { // Pas dΘja notΘ strcpybuff(former_adr,curr_adr); strcpybuff(former_fil,curr_fil); } } // check explicit forbidden - don't follow 3xx in this case { int set_prio_to=0; if (hts_acceptlink(opt,ptr,lien_tot,liens, mov_adr,mov_fil, NULL, NULL, &set_prio_to, NULL) == 1) { /* forbidden */ has_been_moved = 1; back_maydelete(opt,cache,sback,b); // ok strcpybuff(curr_adr,mov_adr); strcpybuff(curr_fil,mov_fil); mov_url[0]='\0'; stop_looping = 1; } } // ftp: stop! if (strfield(mov_url,"ftp://") #if HTS_USEMMS || strfield(mov_url,"mms://") #endif ) { // ftp, ok on arrΩte has_been_moved = 1; back_maydelete(opt,cache,sback,b); // ok strcpybuff(curr_adr,mov_adr); strcpybuff(curr_fil,mov_fil); stop_looping = 1; } else if (*mov_url) { char* methode; if (!get_test_request) methode=BACK_ADD_TEST; // tester avec HEAD else { methode=BACK_ADD_TEST2; // tester avec GET if ( opt->log!=NULL ) { HTS_LOG(opt,LOG_WARNING); fprintf(opt->log,"Loop with HEAD request (during prefetch) at %s%s"LF,curr_adr,curr_fil); test_flush; } } // Ajouter URLSAVENAME_WAIT_FOR_AVAILABLE_SOCKET(); if (back_add(sback,opt,cache,mov_adr,mov_fil,methode,referer_adr,referer_fil,1)!=-1) { // OK if ( (opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL) ) { HTS_LOG(opt,LOG_WARNING); fprintf(opt->log,"(during prefetch) %s (%d) to link %s at %s%s"LF,back[b].r.msg,back[b].r.statuscode,back[b].r.location,curr_adr,curr_fil); test_flush; } // libΘrer emplacement backing actuel et attendre le prochain back_maydelete(opt,cache,sback,b); strcpybuff(curr_adr,mov_adr); strcpybuff(curr_fil,mov_fil); b=back_index(opt,sback,curr_adr,curr_fil,methode); if (!get_test_request) has_been_moved = 1; // sinon ne pas forcer has_been_moved car non dΘplacΘ petits_tours++; // } else {// sinon on fait rien et on s'en va.. (ftp etc) if ( (opt->debug>1) && (opt->log)) { HTS_LOG(opt,LOG_DEBUG); fprintf(opt->log,"Warning: Savename redirect backing error at %s%s"LF,mov_adr,mov_fil); test_flush; } } } } else { if ( opt->log!=NULL ) { HTS_LOG(opt,LOG_WARNING); fprintf(opt->log,"Unable to test %s%s (loop to same filename)"LF,adr_complete,fil_complete); test_flush; } } } } } else{ // arrΩter les frais if ( opt->log!=NULL ) { HTS_LOG(opt,LOG_WARNING); fprintf(opt->log,"Unable to test %s%s (loop)"LF,adr_complete,fil_complete); test_flush; } } } // ok, leaving } } while(!stop_looping && back[b].status > 0 && back[b].status < 1000); // Si non dΘplacΘ, forcer type? if (!has_been_moved) { if (back[b].r.statuscode!=-10) { // erreur if (strnotempty(back[b].r.contenttype)==0) strcpybuff(back[b].r.contenttype,"text/html"); // message d'erreur en html // Finalement on, renvoie un erreur, pour ne toucher α rien dans le code // libΘrer emplacement backing /*if (opt->log!=NULL) { fspc(opt->log,0); fprintf(opt->log,"Error: (during prefetch) %s (%d) to link %s at %s%s"LF,back[b].r.msg,back[b].r.statuscode,back[b].r.location,curr_adr,curr_fil); test_flush; } back_delete(opt,cache,sback,b); return -1; // ERREUR (404 par exemple) */ } { // pas d'erreur, changer type? char s[16]; s[0]='\0'; if (strnotempty(back[b].r.cdispo)) { /* filename given */ ext_chg=2; /* change filename */ strcpybuff(ext,back[b].r.cdispo); } else if (!may_unknown(opt,back[b].r.contenttype) || ishtest == -2 ) { // on peut patcher α priori? (pas interdit ou pas de type) give_mimext(s,back[b].r.contenttype); // obtenir extension if (strnotempty(s)>0) { // on a reconnu l'extension ext_chg=1; strcpybuff(ext,s); } } } } // FIN Si non dΘplacΘ, forcer type? // libΘrer emplacement backing back_maydelete(opt,cache,sback,b); // --- --- --- // oops, a ΘtΘ dΘplacΘ.. on recalcule en rΘcursif (osons!) if (has_been_moved) { // copier adr, fil (optionnel, mais sinon marche pas pour le rip) strcpybuff(adr_complete,curr_adr); strcpybuff(fil_complete,curr_fil); // copier adr, fil return url_savename(curr_adr,curr_fil,save,NULL,NULL,referer_adr,referer_fil,opt,liens,lien_tot,sback,cache,hash,ptr,numero_passe,NULL); } // --- --- --- } } else { printf("PANIC! : Savename Crash adding error, unexpected error found.. [%d]\n",__LINE__); #if BDEBUG==1 printf("error while savename crash adding\n"); #endif if (opt->log) { HTS_LOG(opt,LOG_ERROR); fprintf(opt->log,"Unexpected savename backing error at %s%s"LF,adr,fil_complete); test_flush; } } // restaurer opt->state._hts_in_html_parsing=hihp; } // cachΘ? } } } // - - - DEBUT NOMMAGE - - - // Donner nom par dΘfaut? if (fil[strlen(fil)-1]=='/') { if (!strfield(adr_complete,"ftp://") #if HTS_USEMMS && !strfield(adr_complete,"mms://") #endif ) { strcatbuff(fil,DEFAULT_HTML); // nommer page par dΘfaut!! #if HTS_USEMMS } else if (strfield(adr_complete,"mms://")) { strcatbuff(fil,DEFAULT_MMS); #endif } else { if (!opt->proxy.active) strcatbuff(fil,DEFAULT_FTP); // nommer page par dΘfaut (texte) else strcatbuff(fil,DEFAULT_HTML); // nommer page par dΘfaut (α priori ici html depuis un proxy http) } } // Changer extension? // par exemple, php3 sera sauvΘ en html, cgi en html ou gif, xbm etc.. selon les cas if (ext_chg) { // changer ext char* a=fil+strlen(fil)-1; if ( (opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL) ) { HTS_LOG(opt,LOG_DEBUG); if (ext_chg==1) fprintf(opt->log,"Changing link extension %s%s to .%s"LF,adr_complete,fil_complete,ext); else fprintf(opt->log,"Changing link name %s%s to %s"LF,adr_complete,fil_complete,ext); test_flush; } if (ext_chg==1) { while((a > fil) && (*a!='.') && (*a!='/')) a--; if (*a=='.') *a='\0'; // couper strcatbuff(fil,"."); // recopier point } else { while(( a > fil) && (*a!='/')) a--; if (*a=='/') a++; *a='\0'; } strcatbuff(fil,ext); // copier ext/nom } // Rechercher premier / et dernier . { char* a=fil+strlen(fil)-1; // passer structures start_pos=fil; while(( a > fil) && (*a != '/') && (*a != '\\')) { if (*a == '.') // point? noter position if (!dot_pos) dot_pos=a; a--; } if ((*a=='/') || (*a=='\\')) a++; nom_pos = a; } // un nom de fichier est gΘnΘrΘ // s'il existe dΘja, alors on le mofifie lΘgΦrement // ajouter nom du site Θventuellement en premier if (opt->savename_type == -1) { // utiliser savename_userdef! (%h%p/%n%q.%t) const char* a = StringBuff(opt->savename_userdef); char* b = save; /*char *nom_pos=NULL,*dot_pos=NULL; // Position nom et point */ char tok; /* { // Rechercher premier / char* a=fil+strlen(fil)-1; // passer structures while(((int) a>(int) fil) && (*a != '/') && (*a != '\\')) { if (*a == '.') // point? noter position if (!dot_pos) dot_pos=a; a--; } if ((*a=='/') || (*a=='\\')) a++; nom_pos = a; } */ // Construire nom while ((*a) && (((int) (b - save)) < HTS_URLMAXSIZE ) ) { // parser, et pas trop long.. if (*a == '%') { int short_ver=0; a++; if (*a == 's') { short_ver=1; a++; } *b='\0'; switch(tok=*a++) { case '[': // %[param:prefix_if_not_empty:suffix_if_not_empty:empty_replacement:notfound_replacement] if (strchr(a,']')) { int pos=0; char name[5][256]; char* c=name[0]; for(pos = 0 ; pos < 5 ; pos++) { name[pos][0]='\0'; } pos=0; while(*a!=']') { if (pos < 5) { if (*a == ':') { // next token c=name[++pos]; a++; } else { *c++=*a++; *c='\0'; } } } a++; strcatbuff(name[0],"="); /* param=.. */ c=strchr(fil_complete,'?'); /* parameters exists */ if (c) { char* cp; while((cp = strstr(c+1, name[0])) && *(cp-1) != '?' && *(cp-1) != '&') { /* finds [?&]param= */ c = cp; } if (cp) { c = cp + strlen(name[0]); /* jumps "param=" */ strcpybuff(b, name[1]); /* prefix */ b += strlen(b); if (*c != '\0' && *c != '&') { char* d = name[0]; /* */ while(*c != '\0' && *c != '&') { *d++ = *c++; } *d = '\0'; d = unescape_http(catbuff,name[0]); if (d && *d) { strcpybuff(b, d); /* value */ b += strlen(b); } else { strcpybuff(b, name[3]); /* empty replacement if any */ b += strlen(b); } } else { strcpybuff(b, name[3]); /* empty replacement if any */ b += strlen(b); } strcpybuff(b, name[2]); /* suffix */ b += strlen(b); } else { strcpybuff(b, name[4]); /* not found replacement if any */ b += strlen(b); } } else { strcpybuff(b, name[4]); /* not found replacement if any */ b += strlen(b); } } break; case '%': *b++='%'; break; case 'n': // nom sans ext *b='\0'; if (dot_pos) { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strncatbuff(b,nom_pos,(int) (dot_pos - nom_pos)); else strncatbuff(b,nom_pos,min((int) (dot_pos - nom_pos),8)); } else { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strcpybuff(b,nom_pos); else strncatbuff(b,nom_pos,8); } b+=strlen(b); // pointer α la fin break; case 'N': // nom avec ext // RECOPIE NOM + EXT *b='\0'; if (dot_pos) { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strncatbuff(b,nom_pos,(int) (dot_pos - nom_pos)); else strncatbuff(b,nom_pos,min((int) (dot_pos - nom_pos),8)); } else { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strcpybuff(b,nom_pos); else strncatbuff(b,nom_pos,8); } b+=strlen(b); // pointer α la fin // RECOPIE NOM + EXT *b='\0'; if (dot_pos) { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strcpybuff(b,dot_pos+1); else strncatbuff(b,dot_pos+1,3); } else { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strcpybuff(b,DEFAULT_EXT + 1); // pas de.. else strcpybuff(b,DEFAULT_EXT_SHORT + 1); // pas de.. } b+=strlen(b); // pointer α la fin // break; case 't': // ext *b='\0'; if (dot_pos) { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strcpybuff(b,dot_pos+1); else strncatbuff(b,dot_pos+1,3); } else { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strcpybuff(b,DEFAULT_EXT + 1); // pas de.. else strcpybuff(b,DEFAULT_EXT_SHORT + 1); // pas de.. } b+=strlen(b); // pointer α la fin break; case 'p': // path sans dernier / *b='\0'; if (nom_pos != fil + 1) { // pas: /index.html (chemin nul) if (!short_ver) { // Noms longs strncatbuff(b,fil,(int) (nom_pos - fil) - 1); } else { char BIGSTK pth[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2],n83[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; pth[0]=n83[0]='\0'; // strncatbuff(pth,fil,(int) (nom_pos - fil) - 1); long_to_83(opt->savename_83,n83,pth); strcpybuff(b,n83); } } b+=strlen(b); // pointer α la fin break; case 'h': // host *b='\0'; if (strcmp(adr_complete,"file://")==0) { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strcpybuff(b,"localhost"); else strcpybuff(b,"local"); } else { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strcpybuff(b,print_adr); else strncatbuff(b,print_adr,8); } b+=strlen(b); // pointer α la fin break; case 'M': /* host/address?query MD5 (128-bits) */ *b='\0'; { char digest[32+2]; char BIGSTK buff[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; digest[0]=buff[0]='\0'; strcpybuff(buff,adr); strcatbuff(buff,fil_complete); domd5mem(buff,strlen(buff),digest,1); strcpybuff(b,digest); } b+=strlen(b); // pointer α la fin break; case 'Q': case 'q': /* query MD5 (128-bits/16-bits) GENERATED ONLY IF query string exists! */ { char md5[32 + 2]; *b='\0'; strncatbuff(b,url_md5(md5, fil_complete),(tok == 'Q')?32:4); b+=strlen(b); // pointer α la fin } break; case 'r': case 'R': // protocol *b='\0'; strcatbuff(b, protocol_str[protocol]); b+=strlen(b); // pointer α la fin break; /* Patch by Juan Fco Rodriguez to get the full query string */ case 'k': { char *d = strchr(fil_complete,'?'); if( d != NULL ) { strcatbuff(b, d); b+=strlen(b); } } break; } } else *b++=*a++; } *b++='\0'; // // Types prΘdΘfinis // } // // Structure originale else if (opt->savename_type%100==0) { /* recopier www.. */ if (opt->savename_type!=100) { if (((opt->savename_type/1000)%2)==0) { // >1000 signifie "pas de www/" if (strcmp(adr_complete,"file://")==0) { //## if (*adr==lOCAL_CHAR) { if (opt->savename_83 != 1) // noms longs strcatbuff(save,"localhost"); else strcatbuff(save,"local"); } else { // adresse url if (!opt->savename_83) { // noms longs (et pas de .) strcatbuff(save,print_adr); } else { // noms 8-3 if (strlen(print_adr)>4) { if (strfield(print_adr,"www.")) strncatbuff(save,print_adr+4,max_char); else strncatbuff(save,print_adr,8); } else strncatbuff(save,print_adr,max_char); } } if (*fil!='/') strcatbuff(save,"/"); } } hts_lowcase(save); /* // ne sert α rien car a dΘja ΘtΘ filtrΘ normalement if ((*fil=='.') && (*(fil+1)=='/')) // ./index.html ** // url_savename_addstr(save,fil+2); else // index.html ou /index.html url_savename_addstr(save,fil); if (save[strlen(save)-1]=='/') strcatbuff(save,DEFAULT_HTML); // nommer page par dΘfaut!! */ /* add name */ ADD_STANDARD_PATH; ADD_STANDARD_NAME(0); } // // Structure html/image else { // dossier "web" ou "www.xxx" ? if (((opt->savename_type/1000)%2)==0) { // >1000 signifie "pas de www/" if ((opt->savename_type/100)%2) { if (strcmp(adr_complete,"file://")==0) { //## if (*adr==lOCAL_CHAR) { if (opt->savename_83 != 1) // noms longs strcatbuff(save,"localhost/"); else strcatbuff(save,"local/"); } else { // adresse url if (!opt->savename_83) { // noms longs strcatbuff(save,print_adr); strcatbuff(save,"/"); } else { // noms 8-3 if (strlen(print_adr)>4) { if (strfield(print_adr,"www.")) strncatbuff(save,print_adr+4,max_char); else strncatbuff(save,print_adr,max_char); strcatbuff(save,"/"); } else { strncatbuff(save,print_adr,max_char); strcatbuff(save,"/"); } } } } else { strcatbuff(save,"web/"); // rΘpertoire gΘnΘral } } // si un html α coup s√r if ( (ext_chg!=0) ? (ishtml_ext(ext) == 1) : (ishtml(opt,fil)==1) ) { if (opt->savename_type%100==2) { // html/ strcatbuff(save, "html/"); } } else { if ((opt->savename_type%100==1) || (opt->savename_type%100==2)) { // html & images strcatbuff(save, "images/"); } } switch (opt->savename_type%100) { case 4: case 5: { // sΘparer par types char* a=fil+strlen(fil)-1; // passer structures while(( a > fil) && (*a != '/') && (*a != '\\')) a--; if ((*a=='/') || (*a=='\\')) a++; // html? if ( (ext_chg!=0) ? (ishtml_ext(ext)==1) : (ishtml(opt,fil)==1) ) { if (opt->savename_type%100==5) strcatbuff(save,"html/"); } else { char* a=fil+strlen(fil)-1; while(( a> fil) && (*a != '/') && (*a != '.')) a--; if (*a!='.') strcatbuff(save,"other"); else strcatbuff(save,a+1); strcatbuff(save,"/"); } /*strcatbuff(save,a);*/ /* add name */ ADD_STANDARD_NAME(0); } break; case 99: { // 'codΘ' .. c'est un gadget int i; int j; char* a; char C[]="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-"; int L; // pseudo-CRC sur fil et adr pour initialiser gΘnΘrateur alΘatoire.. unsigned int s=0; L = (int) strlen(C); for(i=0;i<(int) strlen(fil_complete);i++) { s+=(unsigned int) fil_complete[i]; } for(i=0;i<(int) strlen(adr_complete);i++) { s+=(unsigned int) adr_complete[i]; } srand(s); j = (int) strlen(save); for(i=0;i<8;i++) { char c=C[(rand()%L)]; save[i+j]=c; } save[i+j]='\0'; // ajouter extension a = fil + strlen(fil) - 1; while(( a > fil) && (*a != '/') && (*a != '.')) a--; if (*a=='.') { strcatbuff(save,a); // ajouter } } break; default: { // noms sans les noms des rΘpertoires // ne garder que le nom, pas la structure /* char* a=fil+strlen(fil)-1; while(((int) a>(int) fil) && (*a != '/') && (*a != '\\')) a--; if ((*a=='/') || (*a=='\\')) a++; strcatbuff(save,a); */ /* add name */ ADD_STANDARD_NAME(0); } break; } hts_lowcase(save); if (save[strlen(save)-1]=='/') strcatbuff(save,DEFAULT_HTML); // nommer page par dΘfaut!! } // vΘrifier qu'on ne doit pas forcer l'extension // par exemple, asp sera sauvΘ en html, cgi en html ou gif, xbm etc.. selon les cas /*if (ext_chg) { char* a=save+strlen(save)-1; while(((int) a>(int) save) && (*a!='.') && (*a!='/')) a--; if (*a=='.') *a='\0'; // couper // recopier extension strcatbuff(save,"."); strcatbuff(save,ext); // copier ext }*/ // de mΩme en cas de manque d'extension on en place une de maniΦre forcΘe.. // cela Θvite les /chez/toto et les /chez/toto/index.html incompatibles if (opt->savename_type != -1) { char* a=save+strlen(save)-1; while(( a > save) && (*a!='.') && (*a!='/')) a--; if (*a!='.') { // agh pas de point //strcatbuff(save,".none"); // a Θviter strcatbuff(save,".html"); // prΘfΘrable! if ( (opt->debug>1) && (opt->log!=NULL) ) { HTS_LOG(opt,LOG_WARNING); fprintf(opt->log,"Default HTML type set for %s%s"LF,adr_complete,fil_complete); test_flush; } } } // effacer pass au besoin pour les autentifications // (plus la peine : masquΘ au dΘbut) /* { char* a=jump_identification(save); if (a!=save) { char BIGSTK tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char *b; tempo[0]='\0'; strcpybuff(tempo,"["); b=strchr(save,':'); if (!b) b=strchr(save,'@'); if (b) strncatbuff(tempo,save,(int) b-(int) a); strcatbuff(tempo,"]"); strcatbuff(tempo,a); strcpybuff(save,a); } } */ // Θviter les / au dΘbut (cause: N100) if (save[0]=='/') { char BIGSTK tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; strcpybuff(tempo,save+1); strcpybuff(save,tempo); } // changer les ~,:,",*,? en _ pour sauver sur disque hts_replace(save,'~','_'); // interdit sous unix (~foo) // hts_replace(save,'\\','_'); hts_replace(save,':','_'); // interdit sous windows hts_replace(save,'*','_'); // interdit sous windows hts_replace(save,'?','_'); // doit pas arriver!! hts_replace(save,'\"','_'); // interdit sous windows hts_replace(save,'<','_'); // interdit sous windows hts_replace(save,'>','_'); // interdit sous windows hts_replace(save,'|','_'); // interdit sous windows // hts_replace(save,'@','_'); if (opt->savename_83 == 2) { // CDROM // maybe other ones? hts_replace(save,'-','_'); hts_replace(save,'=','_'); hts_replace(save,'+','_'); } // { // Θliminer les // (comme ftp://) char* a; while( (a=strstr(save,"//")) ) *a='_'; // Eliminer chars spΘciaux a=save -1 ; while(*(++a)) if ( ((unsigned char)(*a) <= 31) || ((unsigned char)(*a) == 127) ) *a='_'; } #if HTS_OVERRIDE_DOS_FOLDERS /* Replace /foo/nul/bar by /foo/nul_/bar */ { int i=0; while(hts_tbdev[i][0]) { char* a=save; while((a=strstrcase(a,(char*)hts_tbdev[i]))) { switch ( (int) a[strlen(hts_tbdev[i])] ) { case '\0': case '/': case '.': { char BIGSTK tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; tempo[0]='\0'; strncatbuff(tempo,save,(int) (a - save) + strlen(hts_tbdev[i])); strcatbuff(tempo,"_"); strcatbuff(tempo,a+strlen(hts_tbdev[i])); strcpybuff(save,tempo); } break; } a+=strlen(hts_tbdev[i]); } i++; } } /* Strip ending . or ' ' forbidden on windoz */ { int len; char* a=save; while((a=strstr(a,"./"))) { *a = '_'; } a=save; while((a=strstr(a," /"))) { *a = '_'; } len = (int) strlen(save); if (len > 0 && ( save[len - 1] == '.' || save[len - 1] == ' ') ) { save[len - 1] = '_'; } } #endif // conversion 8-3 .. y compris pour les rΘpertoires if (opt->savename_83) { char BIGSTK n83[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; long_to_83(opt->savename_83,n83,save); strcpybuff(save,n83); } // enforce stricter ISO9660 compliance (bug reported by Steffo Carlsson) // Level 1 File names are restricted to 8 characters with a 3 character extension, // upper case letters, numbers and underscore; maximum depth of directories is 8. // This will be our "DOS mode" // L2: 31 characters // A-Z,0-9,_ if (opt->savename_83 > 0) { char *a, *last; for(last = save + strlen(save) - 1 ; last != save && *last != '/' && *last != '\\' && *last != '.' ; last--); if (*last != '.') { last = NULL; } for(a = save ; *a != '\0' ; a++) { if (*a >= 'a' && *a <= 'z') { *a -= 'a' - 'A'; } else if (*a == '.') { if (a != last) { *a = '_'; } } else if ( ! ( (*a >= 'A' && *a <= 'Z') || (*a >= '0' && *a <= '9') || *a == '_' || *a == '/' || *a == '\\') ) { *a = '_'; } } } /* ensure that there is no ../ (potential vulnerability) */ fil_simplifie(save); /* callback */ RUN_CALLBACK5(opt, savename, adr_complete,fil_complete,referer_adr,referer_fil,save); if ( (opt->debug>0) && (opt->log!=NULL) ) { HTS_LOG(opt,LOG_INFO); fprintf(opt->log,"engine: save-name: local name: %s%s -> %s"LF,adr,fil,save); test_flush; } /* Ensure that the MANDATORY "temporary" extension is set */ if (ext_chg_delayed) { char *ptr; char *lastDot = NULL; for(ptr = save ; *ptr != 0 ; ptr++) { if (*ptr == '.') { lastDot = ptr; } else if (*ptr == '/' || *ptr == '\\') { lastDot = NULL; } } if (lastDot == NULL) { strcatbuff(save, "." DELAYED_EXT); } else if (!IS_DELAYED_EXT(save)) { strcatbuff(lastDot, "." DELAYED_EXT); } } // chemin primaire Θventuel A METTRE AVANT if (strnotempty(StringBuff(opt->path_html))) { char BIGSTK tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; strcpybuff(tempo,StringBuff(opt->path_html)); strcatbuff(tempo,save); strcpybuff(save,tempo); } // vΘrifier que le nom n'est pas dΘja pris... if (liens!=NULL) { int nom_ok; do { int i; // nom_ok=1; // α priori bon // on part de la fin pour optimiser, plus les opti de taille pour aller encore plus vite.. #if DEBUG_SAVENAME printf("\nStart search\n"); #endif i=hash_read(hash,save,"",0,0); // lecture type 0 (sav) if (i>=0) { int sameAdr = ( strfield2(liens[i]->adr, normadr) != 0 ); int sameFil; // NO - URL hack is only for stripping // and www. //if (opt->urlhack != 0) // sameFil = ( strfield2(liens[i]->fil, normfil) != 0); //else sameFil = ( strcmp(liens[i]->fil, normfil) == 0); if (sameAdr && sameFil) { // ok c'est le mΩme lien, adresse dΘja dΘfinie /* Take the existing name not to screw up with cAsE sEnSiTiViTy of Linux/Unix */ if (strcmp(liens[i]->sav, save) != 0) { strcpybuff(save, liens[i]->sav); } i=0; #if DEBUG_SAVENAME printf("\nOK ALREADY DEFINED\n",13,i); #endif } else { // utilisΘ par un AUTRE, changer de nom char BIGSTK tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; char* a=save+strlen(save)-1; char* b; int n=2; char collisionSeparator = ( (opt->savename_83 != 2) ? '-' : '_'); tempo[0]='\0'; #if DEBUG_SAVENAME printf("\nWRONG CASE UNMATCH : \n%s\n%s, REDEFINE\n",liens[i]->fil,fil_complete); #endif nom_ok=0; i=0; while(( a > save) && (*a!='.') && (*a!='\\') && (*a!='/')) a--; if (*a=='.') strncatbuff(tempo,save,(int) (a - save)); else strcatbuff(tempo,save); // tester la prΘsence d'un -xx (ex: index-2.html -> index-3.html) b=tempo+strlen(tempo)-1; while (isdigit((unsigned char)*b)) b--; if (*b == collisionSeparator) { sscanf(b+1,"%d",&n); *b='\0'; // couper n++; // plus un } // en plus il faut gΘrer le 8-3 .. pas facile le client if (opt->savename_83) { int max; char* a=tempo+strlen(tempo)-1; while(( a > tempo) && (*a!='/')) a--; if (*a=='/') a++; max=max_char-1-nombre_digit(n); if ((int) strlen(a)>max) *(a+max)='\0'; // couper sinon il n'y aura pas la place! } // ajouter -xx (ex: index.html -> index-2.html) sprintf(tempo+strlen(tempo),"%c%d", collisionSeparator, n); // ajouter extension if (*a=='.') strcatbuff(tempo,a); strcpybuff(save,tempo); //printf("switched: %s\n",save); } // if } #if DEBUG_SAVENAME printf("\nEnd search, %s\n",fil_complete); #endif } while(!nom_ok); } //printf("'%s' %s %s\n",save,adr,fil); return 0; } /* nom avec md5 urilisΘ partout */ void standard_name(char* b,char* dot_pos,char* nom_pos,char* fil_complete,int short_ver) { char md5[32 + 2]; b[0]='\0'; /* Nom */ if (dot_pos) { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strncatbuff(b,nom_pos,(int) (dot_pos - nom_pos)); else strncatbuff(b,nom_pos,min((int) (dot_pos - nom_pos),8)); } else { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strcatbuff(b,nom_pos); else strncatbuff(b,nom_pos,8); } /* MD5 - 16 bits */ strncatbuff(b,url_md5(md5,fil_complete),4); /* Ext */ if (dot_pos) { strcatbuff(b,"."); if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strcatbuff(b,dot_pos+1); else strncatbuff(b,dot_pos+1,3); } else { if (!short_ver) // Noms longs strcatbuff(b,DEFAULT_EXT + 1); // pas de.. else strcatbuff(b,DEFAULT_EXT_SHORT + 1); // pas de.. } } /* Petit md5 */ char* url_md5(char* digest, char* fil_complete) { char* a; digest[0]='\0'; a=strchr(fil_complete,'?'); if (a) { if (strlen(a)) { char BIGSTK buff[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; a++; digest[0]=buff[0]='\0'; strcatbuff(buff,a); /* query string MD5 */ domd5mem(buff,strlen(buff),digest,1); } } return digest; } // interne α url_savename: ajoute une chaεne α une autre avec \ -> / void url_savename_addstr(char* d,char* s) { int i = (int) strlen(d); while(*s) { if (*s=='\\') // remplacer \ par des / d[i++]='/'; else d[i++]=*s; s++; } d[i]='\0'; } #undef test_flush